Monday, November 19, 2012

NAF- Day Thirty-Six

Today’s Scripture: Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

Read Luke 24. How is Jesus calling you to deeper followership?

Spend some time wrestling with Kyle Idleman’s warning,

I‘m just asking: what if many of us are traveling down what we think is the narrow road that leads to life, but we‘re actually on the broad road that leads to destruction? What if we have hit the cruise control and are traveling through life singing along to Christian Radio with a Jesus fish on the bumper, completely unaware that we are headed to destruction? I‘m not trying to make you paranoid or fearful. I believe that nothing can separate us from the love of God and my confidence is in Him who can keep me from falling. But clearly the Bible teaches that there are those who have a false assurance of salvation.


Read Romans 8:12-17. Does this Scripture give you confidence?

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