Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Joani Tabor in concert Celebration Sunday, November 25th at NMBC.

Looking into a sea of faces, Joani Tabor sings for the Lord, forever embracing her motto, "Nothing's Gonna Steal My Joy". The impact on her listeners is unmistakable. Joani, with bubbling personality, conveys her enthusiastic faith in concert- and it is powerful. Worship music has the power to turn people to the heart of God and draw them to Him. Joani Tabor is a blessed individual who shares her voice with the world- and the world responds. She has witnessed over 30,000 decisions for Christ in the past sixteen years and has no intention of stopping there.

It's amazing, the movement of God through music right now. Joani is at the forefront of that movement, possessing the unique ability to greatly inspire people through her music. Joani is a communicator. Audiences find her warm stage presence and unassuming manner very refreshing. Joani combines sincerity with excellence of presentation. Her delightful, multi-styled mix of music renews the hearts of listeners regardless of their age. Joani's clear voice, which covers an astonishing four octaves, has been described as "intense vocal artistry." She also plays the piano, flute and organ.

"Female Vocalist of the Year" and "Gold Cross"
award-winning musical career

Born in Bluefield, West Virginia , Joani is no stranger to tragedy. At age 11, her childhood was suddenly interrupted when her father passed away. She credits her dad, a choir director, for her love of music. A year later, when she became a Christian, Joani says, "Christ became my father." Joani is a pastor's wife. Her husband, Dr. Glenn A. Tabor, Jr., prayerfully supports her ministry. The couple lost a child, and again she found comfort in Christ. That grace is truly reflective of Joani's heart. Read more about Joani's testimony  here.

Listen to Joani Tabor's music here.

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