Wednesday, May 29, 2013

June Parent's Link

Clubhouse: (preschool- birth thru 5 pre-k)

Big Idea: Made by God.

Week One: God made the water.
Week Two: God made the sky and sun and moon and stars.
Week Three: God made the land and plants.
Week Four: God made animals.
Week Five: God made people.

Professor Georgia Purdom (Ph.D., Molecular Genetics) shares the following tips for talking to young children about creation.

  • I try to take advantage of “on-the-spot” teaching moments. When I am pulling weeds in the garden, I talk about the Curse and that if Adam and Eve (and all of us) wouldn’t have sinned, there would be no weeds to pull!
  • When people or pets die (or our outdoor cats bring dead animals to the house), I talk about why things die (the bad news) and the good news that we can live forever in heaven when we die if we have become a child of God.
  • The fossil shells embedded in rocks on our property give me a chance to talk about Noah’s Flood.
  • We were watching a program about big cats (tigers, etc.) and domestic cats, and I talked about God making different kinds of animals and how big and little cats both came from the same original cat kind and how awesome the diversity was that God created. When we see an amazing feature of an animal (on a TV show), I point out God’s great design, imagination, artistry, etc. I read the animal articles from Answers magazine to Elizabeth, and we look at the kids section together. (Read more here.) For more ideas visit Kids Answers here.

First Look Preview Made By God (June 2013) from Orange on Vimeo.

Club 252 (elementary students)

View the Parent Preview video here.

Big Idea: God is doing something in you to change the world around you.

Memorize: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52

Week 1 Bible Story: Jesus Grew Up (Luke 2:52)
Bottom Line: God is doing something in me to change the world around me.
Week 2 Bible Story: Jesus heals a blind man (John 9:1-38)
Bottom Line: God is doing something to show me who He is.
Week 3 Bible Story: Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11:1-44)
Bottom Line: God is doing something big to help me trust in Him.
Week 4 Bible Story: Calling of Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13)
Bottom Line: God is doing something in me to help me follow Him.
Week 5 Bible Story: Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)
Bottom Line: God is doing something in me when I do what He says.

This month our middle and high school students are continue The God’s Story: The New Testament, (a Christ-centered Bible overview). Click here for The Gospel Project’s weekly One Conversation for Parents.

Big Idea: The Holy Spirit indwells, empowers, and builds.

Real Christianity is never simply an addition to…something that has always been there. Instead, it is in some radical sense an about-face.” – Mark Dever

Listen to Jonny Hunt’s message “Ingredients of a Harmonious Church” here

Family discussion questions:

1. Why is it important for our family to grasp the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit?
2. How does the Holy Spirit help us live and proclaim the gospel?
3. How can our family relationships be strengthened as a result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives?
4. How does the work of the Holy Spirit motivate our family to live on mission for God?

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