Monday, July 11, 2011

Yesterday I spoke to the effect a believer's baptism has in bringing glory to God. This was the result when Simon, who presented himself as "someone great" (Acts 8:9) witnessed true greatness in God's glory (Acts 8:13). The gospel at it's core is the good news that though we are helpless to save ourselve, God has accomplished this through Christ. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that salvation is "not a result of works, so that no one may boast." In baptism we give testimony to the fact that we who were dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1) have now been made alive through Christ (Romans 6:4-5).

I ended the message with this quote from John Piper, "Nobody would go to the Grand Canyon to increase your sense of self-esteem. Nobody stands on the edge of the Alps or the Rockies or the Grand Canyon in order to go there to feel better about ourselves. Do you know why you go there? Because you were written to be satisfied with splendor, not self. You were created and a law written on your heart to be infinitely, eternally, fully, joyfully satisfied in a grand splendor not a great self. I plead with you lay it down. Lay down your quest for the applause of men, the approval of men, and begin to get on a quest for the one thing that will satisfy your soul -- the splendor of Jesus Christ and all that God is for you in him. I just plead with you for your own soul's infinite happiness that you will stop pursuing it in the wrong place … We have an invincibly triumphant savior - Jesus Christ. Don't turn away from him to yourself. Don't want praise for you; give praise to him. Know him; he'll satisfy you.”

If you want to be blessed, check out this quote in the context of the message given by John Piper, entitled, "What is Love?" Enjoy!

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