Sunday, March 7, 2010

His & Hers: What She Needs (Questions for discussion & reflection)

Read 1 Peter 3:17.

1. List some of the words the apostle Peter uses in this passage to describe how husbands should treat their wives.

2. What do you think Peter means when he concludes 1 Peter 3:7 by saying, “so that nothing will hinder your prayers”?

What insight might Matthew 5:23-24 provide to understanding what Peter wrote?

Husbands, have you ever sensed your relationship with God weakening at when you’re not honoring and respecting your wife? How do these verses in Matthew instruct you to handle this situation?

3. In the message, His & Hers: What She needs from Him, there are four needs every wife has: companionship, security, significance, and emotional responsiveness. Define each of these terms in your own words.

4. Read Genesis 2:24. God’s command is for a husband to cleave to his wife. In addition to the sexual connotations, what are practical ways husbands can cultivate closeness with their wives?

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