Sunday, March 21, 2010

Epic Week Two: Questions for reflection and discussion

Read Psalm 19:1-6.

[Q] What about God’s creation fills you with a sense of awe?

[Q] Who is it that is speaking in the first four verses? What is being said? In what ways is the truth about God obvious? If this is the case, why don’t some people “hear”? See also Genesis 3:4-5 and 2 Corinthians 4:4.

In Epic: The Story God is Telling, Eldredge writes, “Every person longs to belong. We crave relationship, and we yearn to be invited into relationship—whether that’s in a family, a group, a marriage, a church. That core human longing for relationship is evidence of what we are created for as image bearers of the God who is Trinity.”

God is Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thus, God is relational. How do the following Scriptures bear out this truth? What are the implications of this truth for my life?

Matthew 3:16-17—

John 15:26—

Jeremiah 24:7—

John 17:3, 24—

In the message, Epic: Shadows and Darkness, it was stated, “The fruit looked so good. But it brought death. It was tempting to the eye. It smelled good. It tasted good. But once that first bite went down, they began to taste the bitter after taste of death. Their eyes were darkened… They felt shame… Creation received the curse of our choice.”

Read Isiaiah 59:2 and Romans 3:23. What is the relational consequence of our choice?

Read John 10:10a.

[Q] In the past, who have you blamed for the pain and sorrows of life?

[Q] What in your life, your story, do you now understand may very well have been the work of the villain? What has he tried to steal, kill, or destroy from you in the past? What is he currently assaulting you with? What are you going to do about it?

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