Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pastors/Wives Conference with the MacDonalds (Going Deep)

This past week Sherrill and I were privileged to take part in the Pastors and Spouses Retreat at Spruce Lake. Sessions were led by Gordon and Gail MacDonald. Gordon has served as pastor to four churches, president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for three years and is currently the Chancellor of Denver Seminary. 

During their sessions Gordon and Gail sat face to face carrying on a conversation with each other allowing the pastors and wives present to "eavesdrop". In their final session the MacDonalds shared themes from Gordon's book, Going Deep: Becoming a Person of Influence. Gordon writes, 
Cultivating people of spiritual depth is a pastor's top priority.
What does it mean to be a deep Christ-follower today when unlimited options, noisy distractions, and a million versions of truth swamp the soul? How is it possible to be a deep person while being swept up in a 50-60 hour work week (if you're working), community and school events, shopping, networking, laundering, family-building … oh, and staying on top of things at church too? Is deep even thinkable for anyone living outside of a monastery? I'm just asking.
Of course we can't even attempt to answer these questions until we explore what deep means. Here's my working definition: Deep people are those whose lives are organized around Jesus, his character, his call to a serving life, and his death on the cross for their sins. The abilities (or giftedness) of deep people may be quite diverse, but each has the power to influence others to follow Jesus, grow in Christ-likeness, and live a life of faithful service. They love the world, mix well with people, but are wary of spiritual entrapments. They are known for their wisdom, their compassion for others, and their perseverance in hard times. Read more at Leadership Journal here
I've not yet read Gordon's book, but after these two days I'm looking forward to doing so soon. I posted a link to Going Deep below.

226086: Going Deep: Becoming a Person of Influence Going Deep: Becoming a Person of Influence
By Gordon MacDonald / Thomas Nelson

Revisiting the fictional congregation of his best-selling Who Stole My Church? Pastor Gordon faces a new dilemma! His church knows how to get people to visit and even make a personal commitment to Jesus---but it doesn't know how to cultivate spiritually deep disciples. Is the future of their community at risk? 272 pages, softcover from Nelson.

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