Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fight for Joy: Purpose, Power & Passion (Philippians 3:10-11) Questions for Reflection and Discussion

Dig Deeper
Wow! In one verse, Philippians 3:10 the Apostle Paul sums up the ultimate purpose, power
and passion of every Christian. The purpose or “goal” (HCSB) of the Christian is to “know
Christ.” This knowledge is both instantaneous and ongoing. In one sense Paul, whose
name was formerly Saul came to know Christ en route to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19). Yet
here in Philippians 3 after decades of service as a missionary he expresses his desire to
deepen his knowledge of Christ (Philippians 3:8-14).

The “power” or force, dynamis, from which we get our word dynamite, enabling this
knowledge, is the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Finally, the “fellowship of His
sufferings” is using hardships and sufferings we experience as a means to grow in our
knowledge of Christ and His passion on our behalf.

The Christian’s purpose-- what do the following Scriptures reveal about the goal of
knowing Christ?

John 17:3--

Jeremiah 9:23-26--

The Christian’s power-- what do the following Scriptures reveal about the power of the
resurrection in the life of a Christian?

Romans 6:1-11--

1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 56-57--

The Christian’s passion-- what do the following Scriptures reveal about the role of
suffering in the life of a Christian?

John 15:18-16:4--

1 Peter 2:21--

How is the Holy Spirit leading you to deepen your knowledge of Christ?

Memorize This
Philippians 3:14— I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ

Jesus. © NKJV

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