Sunday, August 22, 2010

Disciple (Week Eight)-- Come and Die Questions for Reflection and Discussion

Jesus modeled a lifestyle of prayer to his disciples. In turn, this made the disciples eager to learn to pray. The following scriptures reveal occasions where Jesus prayed. What did Jesus pray for? What can be learned from each occasion?

Luke 3:21-22—

Mark 1:35-39—

Luke 6:12-16—

Luke 9:28-29—

Luke 10:21-22—

Luke 22:31-32—

Matthew 26:36—

Mark 15:33—

Jesus often withdrew early in the morning to spend time praying to the Father. This allowed Him to be free from the distractions and demands of the crowds.

As Jesus’ disciple, how does prayer help you gain perspective?

Jesus modeled prayer when faced with key decisions about selection and leadership. He had to discern what was in His disciple’s hearts, and relied on wisdom from the Father.

In what areas do I, as a disciple, need prayer for wisdom?
Jesus tells Peter He prayer for him, knowing challenged he faced. This provided Peter with needed perspective to later repent and encourage his fellow disciples.

For whom am I interceding lately, and have I taken time to let them know how I am praying for them?

Jesus was often at prayer, alone but within earshot of the disciples. This made them eager to learn to pray, and so they ask him to teach them to, and how to pray.

Is my prayer life visible to those close to me, especially my family, in ways that attracts them and causes them to appreciate the value of prayer?

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