Sunday, February 14, 2010

His & Hers: His Role (Questions for discussion & reflection)

In a marriage, the husband’s role is head. Headship is not a “new” idea, in fact it existed prior to creation. The concept of headship is rooted in the relationship of God the Father and God the Son. It is from this relationship as well as the created order that we first get our first glimpse of God’s idea truly is when it comes to the marriage relationship.

Read Ephesians 5:22-33.

[Q] What are the implications of the headship of a husband in a marriage relationship to the headship of Christ with the church for the husband?

…for the wife?

Read Luke 22:25-27.

[Q] How does what Jesus said about leadership influence your understanding of a husband’s headship?

In the message, His and Hers: His Role, husbands were challenged to love their wife by serving and leading. What does it mean to be a “Servant-Leader”? Is this an appropriate term for husbands? Why or Why not?

If you are a husband, can your wife honestly call you “servant-leader”? If not, what words would she use to describe you?

If you are a wife, can you honestly call your husband a “servant-leader” in your marriage and home? If not, what words would you use to describe him?

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