Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One Body

By Dave Hartley

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

On October 25th, 1983, the United States launched the invasion of the tiny Caribbean nation of Grenada. When the dust settled, the Defense Department had to admit that while each branch of the military was highly competent, they were horrible at operating together. The parochial nature of the different branches created an environment of infighting over cooperation. Navy ships couldn’t communicate with Army units on shore. It was a mess. One Defense Department, yes. Elements working together as one body? Not hardly. Unified command and control behind one mission? Nope.

Today the story is different. The Defense Department learned its lessons and has implemented changes that have resulted in a military force that is without equal. Yes, there are still the services, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Each one a very separate identity with its own command structure yet, each one also dedicated to work together to advance the interests of the United States of America. Inside each service are units with infantry, pilots, artillery, mechanics, clerks each with different skills yet each a part of a bigger body.

The body analogy Paul uses in 1 Cor. 12:12, 27 is amazing in its simplicity and its ease of understanding. Ever try to pick up a golf ball with your elbows? To see with your toes? God made our body with different parts to accomplish different jobs. In spite of these differences, when all the parts are working together, subject to our will, we can accomplish much.
Now extend Paul’s analogy to Zion. We’ve got people who lift their hands during worship and some who do not, some who love to hunt and some who’d rather shop (and some who do both!). God has given our local body marvelous diversity and led us together to put this diversity behind the mission and vision of Zion as it participates in advancing the great commission. Likewise, our church is one of many churches across the globe in this titanic struggle against darkness under the unifying headship of Christ.

The question is... do you see it? Can you see the Mennonite, the Pentecostal, the denominational and non-denominational churches as co-laborers in the greatest battle in history? Can you embrace the differences between the members of our own local church and recognize them as different parts of a local body of believers? Can you see how placing our various talents to supporting the mission of our church not only makes us more effective, but is the very example of service to which God is calling us?

One team. One fight. One body. One Lord. Marvelous diversity within!

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-31.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave - great example from the military! I love reading devotions from the trenches - our church family.

My son attends a great church in Rochester. I love to listen online to the messages that Zach is hearing in New York. Amazingly, Trent's message - get connected to the body, start serving - was the same message Dave Whiting was delivering!! No, the text was not from Ephesians, it was from John 2. Jesus is telling the servants what to do - the servants are participating in the miracle, not the guests - they just enjoy the results of the miracle. The servants are very connected to the transformation process. North Baptist is expanding - a new facility is being constructed. Zion is expanding. A new pastor is joining our team. Guests are expected. Will we be ready? Are you serving?

I wonder if my son in Indiana, PA is hearing the same message? Maybe a different text, definitely a different messenger.

We serve a great God. His message is organized by thread - a scarlet thread - throughout the Old Testament. His name - Jesus!!!