Sunday, March 9, 2014

Think Like a Missionary--

Think Like a Missionary

This morning we welcomed our Global Mission Partner Christophe whose family is planting a church in northern France. Not all of us can pick up and move to another city or nation, but every Christ-follower is called to think missionally about the community he or she lives.

Missionaries are individuals called by God to carry across lines of culture the good news (Gospel) of love, freedom and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ. Missionaries leave the security, familiarity and comfort of their home so that they can impact others for Jesus Christ. God calls some of His people to leave their culture for other towns, cities or nations to be sent out into the world. Consider the following examples of believers in both the Old and New Testament who were sent out and away from their home. How did each receive their “call” and to whom were they sent?

2 Kings 17:27-28--

Jonah 1:1-2, 3:1-2--

Mark 1:2-4--

Luke 9:1-6--

Acts 16:6-10; Galatians 2:7-9--

Acts 18:24--

Acts 26:15--

All believers are called to share the gospel and think missionally about the culture in which
they live. What do the following Scriptures reveal about this call? What is our motivation?

1 Chronicles 16:23-24--

Psalm 96:2-3--

Isaiah 6:1-10--

Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8--

John 20:21--


In John 20:21 Jesus commands, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” How is the
Holy Spirit leading you to think missionally in your home, neighborhood and workplace?
Read 1 Corinthians 9:11-14 and Colossians 4:3. How are you being led to support our local and global missionaries?

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