Monday, February 18, 2013

TRIAL-- Acts 27 Questions for Reflection and Discussion

FINALLY! Paul is on his way to Rome. “When it was decided” Luke begins Acts 27:1 “Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius.” We learn in verse two that Paul is accompanied by his friend Aristarchus. As well, Luke and another disciple Gaius are along.

What can be learned about Paul’s ministry partners, Aristarchus and Gaius from Acts 12:29; 20:4; Romans 16:23; 1 Corinthians 1:14; Colossians 4:10; Philippians 1:24; and 3 John 1:1?

What insights are gained regarding the Holy Spirit’s prompting of believers in the New Testament from the following Scriptures?

Luke 2:25-28--

John 16:12-15--

Acts 16:6-10--

Acts 27:9-10--

Romans 8:14-16--

1 Thessalonians 5:19-22--

In what ways is God’s fame (glory) spread and ultimate good brought about through these biblical storms?

Jonah 1:1-16--

Luke 8:22-25--

Acts 27:13-26; 37-44--

Paul and his companions experienced God’s sustaining power throughout a catastrophic storm and shipwreck. Take some time to meditate on Psalm 121. How is the Holy Spirit leading you to trust in His sustaining power for trials you are encountering in your life?

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