Thursday, February 28, 2013

Abby Johnson to speak at Solutions' Banquet, March 14th

Abby Johnson, author and pro-life activist is the keynote speaker at this year's Solutions' Annual Fundraising Banquet, Thursday, March 14, 2013, 7:00-9:15 PM. Abby’s shares her firsthand experience “from both sides of the abortion clinic property line.”Learn more about her story, here.

The Banquet is at the Sheraton Hotel, 6 Industrial Way East, Eatontown, NJ. Dinner is complimentary. An opportunity to make a financial contribution will be extended. You can register for the dinner here.

In January The Christian Post noted the 4 Most Powerful Pro-Life Female Voices. Here is more about Abby Johnson's story--

If Texas native Abby Johnson is ever attacked for her pro-life stance, her detractors cannot accuse her of not having first-hand knowledge of the abortion process. The reason is simple: for eight years Johnson was a Planned Parenthood employee, even holding the position of clinic director.

Johnson became increasingly disturbed by what she saw at the clinic. Although the abortion-rights organization claims it exist to provide overall healthcare services for underprivileged women, Johnson was convinced its number one priority was to perform abortions.

After being asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion and having to watch "in horror" as a 13-week-old baby fought and lost its life, Johnson realized she had seen enough. "I had never seen an abortion happen on an ultrasound," Johnson said in a 2009 interview. "My job during the procedure was to hold the probe on the woman's abdomen. I could see the whole profile of the baby 13-week head to foot. I could see the whole side profile. I could see the probe. I could see the baby try to move away from the probe."

"I just thought, 'What am I doing?'" she said. "And then I thought, 'Never again.'"
Johnson, who is the author of unPlanned, travels across the globe sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry.

She resides in Texas and is married with one child. Read more here.

Solutions is one of NMBC's local mission partners. You can learn more about their ministry here.

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