Sunday, October 28, 2012

NAF Week 3-- Knowing About Jesus VS Knowing Jesus, Questions for Reflection and Discussion

Mark 13:3-9, Matthew 26:6-13, John 12:1-8, and possibly Luke 7:36-50 tells the account of Mary’s (the sister of Lazarus) anointing of Jesus at a banquet held in his honor. Simon, the wealthy host of the banquet, knows about Jesus, but Mary knows Jesus. In fact, she is the only one revealed in the gospels who truly understands the events that are about to fold and the sacrifice Jesus would make. Fans choose knowledge, followers embrace intimacy.

God wants to be known. God has revealed Himself to everyone through creation, common grace (benevolence) and conscience (what theologians call General Revelation). More specifically, powerfully and salvifically (knowledge leading to salvation), God has revealed Himself through the Scriptures and ultimately through Jesus (what theologians call Special Revelation). What do the follow Scriptures reveal about the desire of God to be known, and the blessings to those who truly know Him?

Jeremiah 9:23-24--

John 17:3--

Exodus 6:6-7; 10:2; 16:6--

Deuteronomy 4:32-35--

Joshua 3:10; 4:23-24--

1 Kings 8:56-60; 20:13, 28--

Psalm 9:10; 18:2; Job 19:25--

Isaiah 12:1-2; 41:17-20--

John 8:19; 10:14-15, 27-30; 14:6-11; 15:15; 17:26--

This week read chapters five, Following Jesus or following the rules? and six, Self-empowered or Spirit-filled? in Kyle Idleman’s book Not A Fan.


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