Monday, March 10, 2014

David Wise Testimony

"I think being a good husband
and father is more important than
to be a great skier." David Wise
Yesterday I used as an example of someone living out his "citizenship in heaven" (Philippians 3:20) Olympian  David Wise.Wise is a 23-year-old husband, father and youth pastor and now Gold Medalist Olympian.  The Times describes him as "counterculture to the counterculture described by his competitors as "vanilla.".  He is the undude."  He agrees: "People kind of look at me as the black sheep.  I don't necessarily live the lifestyle that goes along with skiing."

Wise is a regular speaker at Fellowship of Christian Athletes' events in and around Reno, Nevada. You can read his testimony Wing and a Prayer here.

Youth Pastor Wins Olympic Gold  by Jim Denison is ideal for family devotions.

Read the Denver Post's article David Wise, halfpipe aerialist, remains grounded in faith here. Below is Wise's interview with Sports Illustrated following his winning the gold at Sochi.


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