Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ghost Stories

Pastor Colby Atkins at Elevate Church in Erie, Pa entitled a teaching series on the Holy Spirit Ghost Stories (from the King James Version's translation of the Greek word pneuma as "Holy Ghost" when referring to the Holy Spirit-- for example, "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us" Romans 5:5). Me-- I'm shamelessly posting this catchy title today as a reminder to fellow Christ-followers of the importance of daily dependence on the Holy Spirit. The Christian life is not difficult, it's impossible. It can only be lived as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

Catch Pastor Colby's message below. Week two here. Week three here


Last Sunday our middle and high school students wrapped up a series on the Holy Spirit. The Bottom Line: God’s work in us begins by the Spirit, continues by the Spirit, and is completed by the Spirit. I encourage you to seek out spiritual conversations with your teenager. I put some quotes and links to messages that will aid your discussion. You can download the Gospel Project for Student’s One Conversation hereRemember the emphasis should simply be about having a healthy conversation and not on having all the answers.

Sunday nights last year we did a study from Jim Cymbala entitled, When God’s Spirit Moves. I posted the video from lesson one on my blog here.

Francis Chan's excellent message The Holy Spirit's Power and Our Effor (Part 1) here. Part two here

Discuss the following quote together. How does this change your understanding of a relationship with Jesus?

“The more I know Christ, the more I love Him. The more I love Him, the more I obey Him. The more I obey Him, the more I become like Him. The more I become like Him, the better I know Him. The better I know Him, I love Him the more. And the more I love Him, I reach a new level of likeness to Him.” –Robert McQuilkin

Conversation Questions: Use these questions to begin thinking through and applying the lessons to your family life--
1. Why is it important for our family to understand the importance of the Holy Spirit’s work?
2. How can our family relationship be strengthened as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work?
3. How does the Holy Spirit’s continued work in us shape our family’s ability to know God?
4. How does the Holy Spirit’s work motivate our family to live on mission?

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