Friday, July 19, 2013

SonWest Roundup!

SonWest Roundup kicks off Monday morning at 9:00 AM. Check out the video below to get a taste of the songs and themes of this summer's VBS then  pray daily for the children, parents, leaders and teachers who are participating.


Big Idea: God sent Jesus because He cares about me.
John 3:16

The first day will run smoothly.
Leaders will be filled with joy and enthusiasm.
Each child will be excited to come to VBS and feel welcomed, included, and valued.
Preschool children would be happy and peaceful all week.
Arrival and dismissal will run smoothly.
Every child attending will have a new excitement for how much they are loved by God and for the adventure of following Christ.

Big Idea: Jesus’ power is big enough to help me-- no matter what.
John 16:33

The Holy Spirit will lead all that is said and done.
All of the workers will have strength and flexibility.
God will provide safety, protection and good health for all participants.

Big Idea: Jesus’ death and resurrection can rescue me from sin and give me eternal life.
John 11:25

Each child would understand and respond to the Gospel.
God will give discernment to teachers and leaders as they counsel children who make salvation decisions

Big Idea: I can trust Jesus to take care of me every day.
John 6:35

Leaders will be filled with joy and enthusiasm.
Volunteers will know God better and love Him more by serving.
Children will be obedient to all authority while having FUN!

Big Idea: Jesus’ new command is to follow Him and love others.
John 13:34-35

Parents will experience Jesus and enjoy the closing ceremony.
Families will attend Family Sunday, July 28th.
Volunteers will sense God’s pleasure and satisfaction with their efforts.

Volunteers will feel appreciated and desire to participate next year.

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