Thursday, April 25, 2013

Think Orange: Spring Youth Semester- God's Story: The New Testament

This Sunday our teens begin a new study on God’s Story: The New Testament. Both the Middle School and Sr. High classes Sunday morning use The Gospel Project for Students. Following are some thoughts and questions to aid you in spiritual conversation with your teenager. Keep in mind the goal shouldn’t be about having all the right answers but simply having conversation. Weekly discussion ideas are available here.

Big Idea: The Messiah-King has come with a distinct identity, witness, purpose, and role.

This statement is the biblical truth the student’s study was built around. Each week there will be one statement that ties the whole study together. These would be great statements to remember together. The hope is that thoughts and ideas will stem from these statements. You can also begin by sharing a thought of your own that you learned during your study of the same lesson. Ask what thoughts were surprising as the study was taught.

Thought From the Study: John wrote his Gospel to help us see how God, by sending His Son, makes Himself known to us. The goal of this Gospel is to demonstrate to us that Jesus is the Son of God, and He accomplished everything God sent Him to do.

How does God make Himself known to us through Christ? How does this help us live on mission for Him?

Quote for Discussion: Discuss this quote together. How does this change your understanding of a relationship with Jesus?

“And there was no illusion or deception in this: the babyhood of the Son of God was a reality. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as is this truth of the Incarnation.” – J.I. Packer

Conversation Questions

Use these questions to begin thinking through and applying the lessons to your family life:

1. Why is it important for our family to understand the importance of the Incarnation?

2. How can our family relationship be strengthened as a result of the Incarnation?

3. How does the Gospel shape our families ability to know God?

4. How does the Gospel motivate our family to live on mission for this knowable God?


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