Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Challenge from Titus 2

Last week at the Wednesday morning Men's Bible Study we listened to Pastor Scott Thomas' message on Titus 2. Pastor Scott gives a powerful challenge to older men and women to invest into the lives of younger men and women. Listen to the message below and spend some time working through the following questions. With whom is the Holy Spirit leading you to invest? 
Read Titus 2:1-9 considering the specific call to certain groups.

What is God calling older men to? Older women? Young women? Young men?

What do these have in common?

How are they different? Why are they different?

Where do you fit in? What is God calling

you to through these scriptures?

Where have you been tempted to cut corners because no one would know but you?

How does that apply to verse 9 and 10?

In what way have you protected the word of God from maligning, condemning or made it attractive?

Where have your actions been detrimental to this purpose?

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