Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Men's Summer LifeGroup

Truthfully, I usually start off Wednesday mornings a bit groggy as Tuesday nights are typically late meeting nights. By 7:00 AM after spending an hour in the Word with several other men I'm jazzed and ready for the day. It's a blessing to experience the truth of Ecclesiastes 4:12, "And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken" (ESV).This summer we're studying the New Testament book of Titus Wednesday mornings at 6:00 AM. Each week we listen to a message by Pastor Scott Thomas of Mars Hill Church then discuss personal application of the passage. You can listen to Pastor Scott's first message here: In addition to the Wednesday morning group, there is a men's group meeting Monday nights at Gary Creasy's and several couple's groups throughout the week. Check out for a complete listing. Fight Club (Men's Bible-study & Breakfast) meets every second Saturday of the month: July 14th and August 11th at 8:00 AM.

Our last Game Plan for Life study dealt with the topic of Sin and Addiction. Here are three video clips from Joe Gibb's interview with Ravi Zacharias.

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