Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where Am I Serving?-- Questions for Discussion and Reflection

What additional insights about the priority of serving one another do you observe in the following Scriptures?

Romans 15:25—

1 Corinthians 16:15—

2 Corinthians 9:1-2—

Hebrews 6:10—

Read Philippians 2:2. Make a list of the specific ways you have been “encouraged in Christ”, “consoled by love”, experienced the “fellowship with the Spirit” and received “affection and mercy.” How does this motivate you to serve?

Read John 13:2-17. How does Jesus washing the feet of His disciples model and explain Philippians 2:4?

How is the Holy Spirit leading you to “consider others as more important than yourself”?

Is the Holy Spirit leading you to explore a ministry team? If so, what is your next step?

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