Thursday, January 12, 2012

Love and Respect -

It was a thrill to stand shoulder to shoulder with my wife and my church family pledging to do my marriage unto Christ. I'm excited by what God will do in our families, church and community as a result of commitments made last weekend. Here's the prayer we prayed at the conclusion of the conference:
Dear Father,
I need you. I cannot love and respect like this. But I know You hear me when I ask You to help me. Forgive me where I have been unloving and disrespectful. I open my heart to You, Father. I will not be fearful nor angry at You or my spouse. I see my partner in a whole new light. I forgive my spouce. I will appreciate my partner as different not wrong. I am actually excited, Lord. Fill my heart with love and reverence for You. Ultimately, this is about You and me. It isn't about my spouse.
Thank You for this enlightenment. My greatest reward comes from doing this "unto" You.
Prepare me this day for those moments of conflict. I especially ask You to put love and respect in my heart when I feel unloved and disrespected. There is no credit for loving and respecting when it is easy. I believe You hear me. I anticipate You responding to me. I have on my heart what is on Your heart. I thank You in advance for helping me take the next step.
I believe You will reward me throughout eternity for what I do in my marriage. I believe an eternal first moment is coming in which I will be overwhelmed. Today, I renew my commitment to believe that everything I do toward my spouse matters to You. Noting is wasted. When I am loving and respectful during a conflict, this contributes to my eternal reward. Salvation is a free gift through Jesus Christ. I cannot earn this. But rewards come in response to what I do daily in the home. My eye has not seen, my ear has not heard and it has not entered my heart what You intend to do in response to my love and respect in the home. Thank You for revealing this to me. I am humbled.
I believe this brings conviction to my spouse if anything will, but I don't do it for that reason.
I believe this will influence my children. I am committed to leaving a godly legacy.
I believe this matures me and reveals my freedom of spirit. My marriage is a test and a tool.
And I believe this touches Your heart as I do this "unto You." I do this out of love and reverence for You because You love me. It's between You and me. I am a true believer. In Your Name, Amen.

Below is a link to five radio broadcasts of Family Life Today where Dr. Emerson gave a summary of Love and Respect. Enjoy and be encouraged.

Love and Respect -

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