Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Christmas Carol... Or Bible Study and Reflections on Generosity

[Q] What do you do when you enter a store or mall during the Christmas season and see a Salvation Army Volunteer with the red bucket ringing a bell?
a. Joyfully in the “spirit of Christmas” empty your pockets of all your loose change.
b. Look for a different entrance.
c. Wait until there is a group of people entering, then try and sneak in unnoticed.
d. Enter while trying to avoid eye contact.

[Q] The discipline of generosity is a mark of Christian maturity. What do the following scriptures teach about generosity in support of God’s work by God’s people?

Philippians 4:16—

Mark 12:41-44—

Luke 21:1-4—

Galatians 6:6—

1 Timothy 5:17-18—

Read 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:14.
[Q] How did these Christ-followers give and what was their attitude? How could they be experiencing everything Paul describes?
[Q] In what sense did these Christ-followers grasp “God’s will”?
[Q]According to 2 Corinthians 9:1,6-7; what sort of work is giving? What does that mean?
[Q] What ought to be the motivation for our giving? (verse 9) In what ways does this make on rich?
[Q] What does Paul say God does for the giver? Verse 9-11

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