Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We teach…
… We teach God the Father is the Creator of heaven and earth. By His word and for His glory, He freely created everything out of nothing. He is complete Sovereign and by His Word He daily sustains and rules over all creation, with the Son and Holy Spirit. As Father, He gave His Son Jesus Christ for mankind's redemption and intends for man to live in fellowship with Himself (Gen. 1:1; I Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 36:6; 139: 16; and John 3:16).

1. At some point everyone must come to a conclusion about God. Jesus said that life’s ultimate purpose is to know God (John 17:3). What ideas about God are popular in our culture? Are these ideas helpful or hurtful?
2. In Exodus 3:13-14 Moses encounters God face to face and asks God, “Who are you?” How did God answer Moses and what do you conclude about God’s character and nature from that answer?
3. God is the Creator. God created all that is “ex nihilo” “out of nothing". Read Genesis 1:1-5 and Hebrews 11:3. What do we learn about God’s role in creation?
4. Read Psalm 139. What is learned about God from this Psalm?
5. Jesus most often addressed God as “Father.” For many this description hinders a truthful view of God. Bible teacher Louie Giglio states, “God is not a reflection of our earthly fathers; (but rather) He is the perfection of our earthly fathers.” How as your earthly father affected the way you perceive God the Father?
6. Romans 8:13-17 unfolds one of the greatest pictures of the Father heart of God. Because God the Father gave his Son we are able to relate to God, the Sovereign Creator as “Abba.” Take some time to worship the Father for the gift of Jesus.

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