Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Trunk N' Treat-- October 30, 2013

On Wednesday night, October 30th our Family Ministry Team and Mission’s Team is hosting a Trunk N’ Treat from 6:45 to 8:00 pm. Church families and Community Groups will decorate car trunks according to various themes such as a children’s story, a Bible character or sport's team.

Committed Christians have differing opinions about Trick or Treating.  Some dim the house lights and go to bed early pointing out the origins of Halloween and the command of Scripture to “Come out and be separate.”  Others join in fully believing this is an occasion for Christian families to have fun being “in the world” without being “of it.” And still others invite Trick or Treaters including a Gospel track along with a treat so to take advantage of “every opportunity.” (If your family opts for #3, please don't skimp on the treat!) Whatever convictions you have about Trick or Treating, I believe our family experience on the 30th provides a great opportunity to be both salt and light to our community.

In Matthew 5:13-14 Jesus tells His disciples “You are the salt of the earth… (and) the light of the world.” Salt flavors and preserves. Light reveals truth and points to Jesus. One of the things I enjoy about family
experiences such as Trunk N’ Treat is the creativity. The community is welcome to come to Trunk N’Treat anyway they like (after all, we all come to Jesus “just as we are”). Those decorating trunks will choose creative and fun (nothing scary) themes. These pictures from previous years show the great creativity of our church family.
In addition to great family fun, this event is safe. Families participate and enjoy this experience together! This is true for those who will attend, but it is especially true for those who participate by decorating a trunk. My family has discussed at several recent dinners what our theme will be. We’ve narrowed it down to either Doc McStuffins (a Disney Jr. character) or Yogi Bear (Jellystone Campground) theme.
Jesus says we (His disciples) are the light of the world by “let(ting) your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16b). Living out joyful Christian community is a great attraction to Jesus. In addition to inviting our community to be a part of our church family for the evening we have a gift of a Young Readers New Testament for every family that attends. Join me in praying that God uses this family experience to show our love for our community and point whole families to Jesus.

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