Sunday, December 30, 2012

Joy to the World-- Questions for Discussion and Reflection

Joy to the World was written by Isaac Watts in 1719. His motivation the first three stanzas of this hymn are found in Psalm 98 and 96:11-12. Read Psalms 98 and 98. What causes for joy are revealed in these Psalms?  
According to the following Scriptures, what is the source of a Christ-follower’s joy?
John 17:3--
Isaiah 61:1-3--
John 15:11--
Romans 12:12--
Philippians 1:26--
To what is joy compared to in the following Scriptures?
Matthew 22:1-10--
John 3:29--
Revelation 19:7-9--
What cause for joy is expressed in the following Scriptures?
Luke 15:7, 10, & 22--
Matthew 8:10-11--
John 8:56--

In what ways is the Holy Spirit leading you to pursue joy?

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