Classes Begin Sunday, September 13th.
The Love Dare—We treat our lawns. We do routine maintenance on our cars. We take immediate action at the first sign of termites and roaches. Isn’t your marriage more important than cars, lawns and insects? The Harvesters and Destiny communities are hosting The Love Dare Bible Study. The Love Dare Bible Study is a marriage-centered study for individual and couples inspired by the movie, Fireproof. The Love Dare class will meet in room 101 during the 9:00 hour. View a sample bible study from the Love Dare series at http://www.lifeway.com/downloads/LoveDare_Study_Sample.pdf.
The Gospel of Mark—Something inside of each one of us yearns for more from life, God and the Bible than we often experience. Discovering truth through Bible study is more than breaking a verse down to its smallest parts. Context and experience, mystery and story all to into fully understanding the living Word of God. The Gospel of Mark in action movie style chronicles Jesus’ daring rescue behind enemy lines amidst adversity, intrigue and unexpected twists. Heart to Heart during the 9:00 hour in rooms 103 and 104 and Emmaus during the 10:30 hour in room 105 are hosting a study of the Gospel of Mark. View a sample bible study from the Gospel of Mark at http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/files/lwcF_srn-more-mark-session3-sample.pdf.
Finding Jesus in the Movies—Stories, great and small, share the same essential structure because the great stories we tell borrow from a Larger Story. Ecclesiastes 3:11 reads, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” The Larger Story is the story of the Gospel and Scripture provides the back-story, the truth, behind every meaningful story. Great movies speak to that ready-made part of us because story is the language of the heart. Mosaic, Zion’s twenty-something community will host this study during the 9:00 hour in room 102. View a sample bible study from Finding Jesus in the Movies at http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/files/lwcF_srn-GA-JesusMovies-expguide-sample.pdf.
Biblical Financial Study— Did you know there are over 2,350 verses in the Bible that address money? The Biblical Financial Study is an in-depth study of what the Bible teaches about money and possessions. This practical “hands-on” class covers topics such as getting out of debt, saving, budgeting, investing, giving, and training children all from a biblical perspective. The Biblical Financial Study is hosted by Journey during the 10:30 hour in rooms 103 and 104. Because space is limited for this class pre-registration is required. You can register for the Biblical Financial Study at Guest Services. View a sample bible study from the Biblical Financial Study at http://www.crown.org/ForChurch/Solutions/LifeGroups/PDFS/SampleLeadersGuide.pdf.
Message Based Discussion—Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into the weekend message? Here is your opportunity. Zion’s women’s community, Heart’s Design, and men’s community, Explorers will host a discussion of the message during the 10:30 hour in rooms 101 and 202 (respectively).
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