Monday, February 23, 2015

Real Church, Part 6

Message Notes

Ephesians 5:32 This mystery is profound, but I am talking about Christ and the church. HCSB
Point 1 Praying ________________ as a family for the church   
    a. For spiritual protection
    b. For protection from moral failure
    c. For the preaching of the Word
    d. For their families
    e. For encouragment

Point 2  Worshiping ________________ as a family
    a.  Worship together in the church
    b.  As a church member-- I must encourage and lead my entire family to worship
    c. Family as a mission field

Point 3  Falling deeply in love with the _____________________________
    a.  As a church member-- I am not to merely like my church  
    b.  As a church member-- I am not merely to serve my church

    c.  As a church member-- I am to fall deeply in love with my church

Saturday, February 14, 2015

This is the time of year we hear and talk much about love. I received an email link this week to Bob Goff's study, Love Does. How is God calling you to "do love" by showing the love of Jesus to someone else? 

Read Matthew 5:13-16.

Reflection Questions:

What else do you think Jesus meant when He talked about being salt and light?

What are the good ways you have seen Christians be “salty” with their lives and faith? Are there negative ways you have seen Christians be “salty” with their faith?

Is it possible to snuff out your light with the way you try to be salt?

Where are you being “salty” in your Christianity? Where do you want to grow?

More About Love Does

Love Does is a five-week experiment in doing the love of God. Each session will explore a different aspect of God’s active love through the teachings and stories of Bob Goff.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Real Church, Part 4 (Acts 12:3-19) Questions for Discussion and Reflection

Read chapter 4 in Thom Rainer’s book, I Am a Church Member pages 43-53.

In his book written to fellow pastors, Brothers We Are Not Professionals, John Piper writes of the power of prayer, “Prayer is the coupling of primary and secondary causes. It is the splicing of our limp wire to the lightning bolt of heaven. How astonishing it is that God wills to do His work through people. it is doubly astonishing that He ordains to fulfill His plans by being asked to do so by us. God loves to bless people. But even more He loves to do it in answer to prayer.” (Page 53)

Read Acts 12:1-17. What was the church doing while Peter was being held in prison for preaching the gospel? (Acts 12:5, 12) What encouragement does this provide for your diligence to pray?

Read Colossians 4:2-6. What insights about prayer do you glean from this passage? For what specific requests does Paul ask for prayer?

What encouragements to pray for spiritual leaders are gleaned from the following Scriptures?

Philippians 1:19--

2 Corinthians 1:11--

Acts 12:5--

Colossians 4:3--

Ephesians 6:19--


The Fourth Pledge: I am a church member. I will pray for my pastor every day. I understand that the pastor’s work is never ending. His days are filled with numerous demands that bring emotional highs and lows. He must deal with critics. He must be a good husband and father. Because my pastor cannot possibly do all things in his own power, I will pray for his strength and wisdom daily. (Page 52)