How am I being changed by God?I make the Sunday Worship Celebration a priority for me and my family.
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I spend time everyday systematically reading the bible.
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I journal my prayers and observations from my bible reading.
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I regularly meditate and memorize Scripture.
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My family has regular devotional times together.
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I give regularly, sacrificially and joyfully to God’s work at Zion.
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By God’s grace, in 2010 I will:
+ I will make the Sunday Worship Celebration a priority for me and my family.
+ I want to spend time every day reading the bible.
+ I want to fire up my prayer life.
+ I will begin regular family devotions.
+ I want to begin giving regulary to God’s kingdom through the ministry of Zion or as God provides, I will increase my giving ____________/month.
Who am I connected with in community?I am connected with a LifeGroup.
Yes No
I regularly look for opportunities to practice the one-anothers with fellow Christ-followers.
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I have at least one strong Christian friend with whom I can confess my sins.I have at least one strong Christian friend with whom I can confess my sins.
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There are fellow Christ-followers in my life who have permission to ask me tough questions.
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By God’s grace, in 2010 I will:
+ I want to get connected with a LifeGroup.
+ I will begin to look for opportunities to practice the one-anothers.
+ I will ask __________________________ if he/she is willing to hold me accountalbe and give him/her permission to ask me tough questions.
Where am I committed to making a difference?I serve with the following ministry team(s): _____________________________.
I am missionally involved with my community.
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I pray regularly for Zion’s missionaries.
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By God’s grace, in 2010 I will:
+ I explore serving with the ________________________ (Campus Care, Hospitality, Chilren’s, etc.) ministry team.
+ I will contact one of the pastors to discover what ministry
team best fits my gifts and abilities.
+ I want to pray about and explore being a part of this summer’s mission’s trip.